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Bdteletalk.com, A 5th Generation Web Portal

Eusha Binte | 3 September

Bdteletalk.com is an online news portal. It is a 5th generation web portal. It aims to provide accurate and objective news and views for the audience across the country.  Its journey on 14th February 2015. Bdteletalk.com is owned by M M Omar Faruque.

About Bdteletalk.com

Bdteletalk.com puts an extra emphasis on national news and news from every district. However, it also covers different segments like economics, sports, entertainment, education, information and technology, features, lifestyle. M M Omar Faruque (Tusher Ahmed), Editor of Bdteletalk.com, is a very prominent face in the field of the country’s journalism sector for more than 20 years. Throughout his long career as a journalist, he served institutions.


Bdteletalk.com aims to provide the most updated news to its readers within the shortest possible time. In this journey to provide news quickly, Bdteletalk.com always tries to be accurate, objective, and unbiased. Following the basic fundamental principles of the Bangladesh constitution, Bdteletalk.com aims to strengthen public opinion in favor of the liberation war. Bdteletalk.com is committed to the fundamental values of the country, especially, national sovereignty, democracy, and secularism. In addition, Bdteletalk.com will speak for the human and civil rights of the citizen of the country. Ethics Policy Actually, Bdteletalk.com believes that the trustworthiness of the public is our most important asset. We are transparent to our readers as well. Whatever the consequence is, Bdteletalk.com never compromises on issues like national interests, human rights, rule of law, gender issues.


If you have any questions about Bdteletalk then feel free to ask a question. Contact them via email at [email protected].

Eusha Binte

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